Here Is Your Psychic Newsletter:
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What kind of psychic are you?
Chances are, if you’re reading this newsletter, you came into this life to be extraordinary. Are you psychic, intuitive, empathic? Are you in any of those categories…yet? Would you like to be?
How many kinds of psychics are there?
Here’s a quick list of a few: (Recognize them?)
Clairvoyant: Means clear seeing.
Example: I saw a man who looked sort of like Bill Paxton as the mate my client would marry. Sure enough, the man she was seeing fit that description. Obviously, I had not met him but was answering her question about love and connection.
I saw in my mind’s eye a man of a particular description that I could describe.
Clairaudient: Means clear hearing.
A client was at a loss for what business to pursue. I could hear her (in my head) speaking about hypnosis.
I also saw her (in my mind’s eye) standing before groups of people teaching. Several years later, this became her field.
(Notice I’ve combined two aspects: clairvoyance and clairaudience. If you were to ask me, I’d say I’m more clairaudient because if you give me someone’s name or a sentence they’ve said I can often hear whole conversations in their head.)
Intuition: My interpretation of that conversation may be different from my client’s. My client might tell me the words their partner said, and as I hear them, I also look back and see what the words mean to the person thinking them.
When I told Christine Kloser she was pregnant, the day she later learned she conceived her daughter, I was already connected with that baby/soul who was trying to come in.
Telepathy: Mind Reading
You could say that hearing conversations and even having conversations with someone not physically present is telepathy. You can do it with someone physically present but mostly people come to me to find out what they don’t know or are afraid to know.
Someone who doesn’t want to have their thoughts known can intuitively block me. I’ll get the message.
Even if he or she doesn’t consciously know that I’m doing a reading and they’re the temporary focus, they can feel it. (This is why your loved ones often call you during a reading or right after, including those who have been m.i.a.)
That’s why you’ll see some of my testimonials saying, “You told me everything he was thinking during that time he stopped speaking to me. He finally called me and you were right!”
For me, styles overlap and I think of it as intuition with the intent ofreceiving higher knowledge. I don’t think of it as fortune telling. Not that I won’t see whether a particular person is likely to call (one of the most asked questions.)
But higher knowledge goes beyond that. Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic in history, spoke often of Bible verses, and loving each other in a spirit of oneness. He said our main purpose in incarnating was to learn cooperation. How would you say that’s going?
Cayce also predicted that during these chaotic times, our challenge and our blessing would be to realize our connection with God/Source (whatever name you choose to call it.)
We know the future isn’t written in stone. If you authentically change something in yourself, your life is likely to change as well.
(That’s why I write newsletters about Neuroscience and Transformation. We have free will. I take more classes and read more books than any normal person should because I want to be sure that when I see something, I can also make suggestions for how to deal with it. I want access to the cutting edge.)
Remote Viewing: A form of clairvoyance first explored by PsychicCIA spy Ingo Swann (who coined the name)
Remote viewers are given made-up coordinates as a way to focus and then asked to draw and describe what‘s happening at the place where we’ve agreed those coordinates are. You even go inside that space and describe it as if you’re there.
Example: In an RV class I was tested to draw the contents of a sealed envelope. Other class members knew the photo inside my envelope so when I said I was getting something from my brother’s childhood Mad Magazine book about Donald Duck, they all laughed. (Normally, no one is to show any expression at all because it can be misleading as this actually was.)
Donald Duck is walking down the street and someone calls, “Donald Duck!” I crouched down as I said that. Or are is the person actually calling “Donald Duck.” Not as an indicator to duck.
In Remote viewing you use adjectives rather than nouns as descriptors so that you can move beyond what your mind already knows and stay open to seeing something you’ve possibly never seen or heard of.
When they laughed about ducks, I got confused because I was describing a kind of gushy, wet substance, later I had to put that together with legos and clay. I could feel there were people in that substance but my mind had locked into ducks on the water, yet I was putting together a scene of people mired in some sludgy substance.
My analytic overlay, which is the mind wanting to depict something logical that it already knows, wanted to draw a marsh with ducks. I had to let go of that image and stay with impressions of color, sound, height, distance, etc. I described colors, such as red, the substance, and seeing the biologicals (living beings which I distinguished as people) in that substance.
My sealed envelope revealed: A picture of an annual tomato throwing contest in Spain.
Empath: Feeling other people as if you were in their skin. This is the issue that brought me into psychic reading.
For me, it’s not just having empathy for someone’s feelings, in my life it was getting confused between whose thoughts I was thinking. Now in a reading I can say to a client, if I were you, this is what I’m thinking, feeling, and/or fearing and why. What (if I were that person) my situation or someone’s words might mean to me.
Many people say that we are meaning making machines.
This interests me because we can take someone’s words or expression and make them mean something terrible about ourselves. I like to look from a perspective that combines clairsentience (inner knowing/feeling), clairvoyance, clairaudience, and something I call clairnaisence (where I can also smell.) There’s a real word for that. We often experience it with people who visit from the other side. You smell their perfume, for instance.
This is only a short overview. Feel free to let me know if you’re ready for more!
©Lorrie Kazan
Supporting you in creating an abundant life that truly honors
your soul