What If You Died and Came Back to Life?


What Happens When You Die? Here’s What We Learned From Those Who Have Crossed Over and Somehow Come Back to Life

Many people have. They’re called Near Death Experiencers (people who were pronounced dead and were somehow revived from death after a period ranging from 5-20 minutes.)

You don’t need to die in order to have this out-of-body/threshold experience, but it does often happen that way.

Somehow, they not only came back to life, but they surfaced with little or no brain damage. In fact, in the long run, their lives are generally markedly improved by the experience.

So, when I noticed the International Association for Near-Death Studies was having their annual conference two hours from my home, I took it as an invitation to explore.

The Conference

The Sacred Music of Emiliano Campobello opened the conference. From center stage, he eased us into a meditative state with the healing vibrations of the shamanic flute. Emiliano Campobello Flute


Then the renowned P.M.H. Atwater took the platform. Resplendent in an orange tunic and African necklace, her long gray hair was like a light of its own.

Atwater is an expressive speaker who appears to care deeply for others. This makes sense since love for humanity is often one of the after-effects of a Near Death Experience (NDE). Atwater has had three NDEs herself.


Forty years ago, she was one of the first to research near-death experiences and has since conducted over 4,000 interviews with “experiencers.”

“People come back with a mission,” she said. “And they want to talk about what happened.” In past decades, those people might have been committed to mental asylums for utterances, such as, ‘God is, death isn’t.’

First rule of discipleship, she cautioned, is don’t freak out the natives. In other words, be careful about speaking so openly in places that are hostile to these spiritual ideas.

Further, she stated, “Ninety-Ninety percent of experiencers come back knowing God, not believing in some deity, but knowing God. Atheists may still be atheists, but now with a pervasive experience of an underlying force that leaves them with a new sense of compassion.”

Children who have had near-death experiences tend to call God Father), He, or Him, though they challenge what you might think the divine looks like. Their God may have appeared as a wall of light, or a ball or sky of light, more powerful than 10,000 suns.

You can’t fool this light, which is all-knowing. You’re never the same, the children say. You know you’re an extension of that one force. This echoes what the adults report: God is presence, intelligence, a radiating principle.

The earth plane is where we develop our muscles, Dr. Atwater declared, her eyes sparkling. We fulfill our learning curriculum. Here, prayer and meditation are the quickest ways you can connect with your soul.

Dr. Atwater featured NDEers’ drawings and discussed their case histories. One story she called Hotshots From Hell:  Twenty firefighters, plus their chief, were trapped in a collapsed building. When they were finally rescued, all twenty-one were pronounced dead, but somehow through extensive resuscitation, each one was brought back to life.

Astounded, investigators went room-to-room and interviewed each survivor individually. Though none of the survivors had waking access to each other, all twenty-one related the same story. Each saw the others rise up out of their bodies, and all communicated telepathically while in that out-of-body state.

To read the whole story and more:  The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences:

The Ultimate Guide to What Happens When We Die

We’re energetic light particles,” Dr. Atwater reminded us, her arms outstretched. Remember, the root of Holy Spirit means the breath of God.

How consciously and kindly you live enhances or diminishes what you have to learn. Experiencers say that when you die, you’re asked: Whom have you loved? Whom have you served?

You can ask yourself those questions and use them as a way to guide your choices.

Overwhelmingly, Experiencers return with the conviction that all life is connected and all life has value.

Typical NDEs Include:

  1. The Light that knows your name, knows all about you, and is loving beyond any sense you’ve had on earth.
  2. One force (many call God) is the same for all.
  3. People are met by a greeter; this might be a pet, religious figure, light being, or some other person already deceased.
  4. Life reviews: Reliving your past and feeling the effects of your actions. Some are painful but many are not.
  5. Only 9% of those interviewed experienced the tunnel of light. Average time without vital signs: 5-20 minutes.
  6. The signature feature of NDEs: Little or no brain damage, often brain enhanced, especially with children.

Atwater believes skeptics have looked at the data in a piecemeal fashion. None has done full research with adults and children over time in an appreciable study (300+). She stresses that her findings are verified.

My later research revealed Dr. Atwater has been criticized by some scientists for lack of rigid protocols. However, accepted scientific studies conducted by Dr. Jeffrey Long, among others, corroborate her findings. (Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death)

About Me:

“You are so miraculous. I’m sending everyone to you. You’re too good to keep secret.”

“Everything you said would happen, happened.”

“I was sure I couldn’t get pregnant. You told me I’d have a boy. And a year later I did!”
Lisa S.

“Lorrie told me I was pregnant the same day, I later learned, I conceived my daughter.”
Christine Kloser, thetransformationalauthor.com

“You told me what he was thinking during that break when he didn’t even call. When he finally talked to me, it’s like you were quoting him verbatim. Miraculous! I was so glad I was prepared and not caught off guard.”
E.R., New York

“You won’t believe this but right after you sent energy into the universe for me to get work, I received my first call to interview.

I just have to thank you…. you are quite amazing Lorrie.”
Darlene F., Sales Executive, Los Angeles

“Your guidance and help have transformed my life at the deepest level.”
Dr. Silvia Cardona, DDS

“As usual, your reading was spot-on.”
Elizabeth, R.N.

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