That’s the question spiritual and meditation teacher, Adyashanti, asks as he cracks open true meditation.
For him, the art of meditation is to let go of the meditator, to let go of trying. That means to let go of trying to make something happen. Let go of the one who’s trying to change, or to do well. You’re simply allowing everything to be as it is. Not trying to change anything.
Imagine you’re doing this with me. If you have any tension in your body, restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, allow it to be as it is. Don’t fight it. Just notice it.
What happens when you let go of trying to change anything in yourself or your circumstances? Is it relaxing? Is it perplexing?
As you follow this path, do you find yourself feeling more comfortable?
If your inner voice asks whether you’re doing it right, answer that you can’t do it wrong because it’s about allowing the moment to be exactly as it is.
If your mind wanders, gently call it back to the question you’re exploring: What happens when you let go of control? When you let go of the meditator?
This place of non-resistance is what Adyashanti calls your natural state of awareness. It functions without any effort. Within awareness, he tells us, is stillness. In that stillness, he assures us, you will find deeper and deeper levels of quiet as you continue to allow yourself to be.
Ask: “What happens when I allow everything to be as it is?…What does it feel like to be outside of thought? To be the space in which thought happens?”
Further, “Explore for yourself, with your own authority…what happens when you don’t make effort, when you meditate without the meditator, without the one who’s trying to do it right?”
If you don’t experience what he describes as “uncontrived stillness” then feel what you feel. We’re posing questions but but the pièce de résistance is that you’re exploring by your own authority.
You are the authority when it comes to you.
Here, Adyashanti and I act as guides or suggesters. But you are the core.The one who fills the space of your being is you. This meditation asks only that you let go, and simply allow what is…to be.
(If you’d like some help with meditation or a psychic reading to sort out the real you, don’t hesitate to email or call. 310/376-5742, lorrie@lorriekazan.com)
Stay tuned: I’m transcribing Part 2 of the 6-Part Process of how Neuroscience advises us to work with our minds.
In Part 2: Science has replace Vision Boards with something you wouldn’t expect. But they can measure how it works with your brain.
Here’s a link to the last Psychic Newsletter and Part 1:
The Biggest Block to Achieving Your Psychic Goals Is…
Your Reward:

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(And so much for humility) 🙂