Today, I Love My Life


Today, I love my life. I take time to enjoy whatever I have; maybe it’s the ability to see, to recognize color, to drink clean water.

I give myself permission to play, and to find out what I’m good at, and what I like to do. Since I choose my state of mind, I pick happiness for this moment in time. I let go of how it should be and even greater miracles stream to me.


Supporting you in creating a holistic and abundant life that truly honors your soul

Quotes of the Week:

“Force isn’t power…Instead, people yearn to connect with purpose and passion
or something bigger than themselves. Think inspiration. It’s the new power.”

Worthwhile Magazine, “Power Now: 10 Great Thinkers Share Their Best Ideas.”

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night,
we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.”

— Alan W. Watts


The current issue of Psychic Thought, What Is An Apport and How Does It Affect You? is available. The new, appended version includes the end of the Ireland phone booth story, which many people wrote to ask me about. It should be archived on my site this week, or email me for your copy.

How Thrilling! You can now watch streaming video of fascinating speakers from the Lohas 10 Conference.
http:/ /



©Lorrie Kazan