The Psychic Mafia: Who Are They and How Did They Find Us?


Sometimes it looks as if everyone out there offers some panacea for our ills. Juices that cure cancer, herbs that remove toxins…Psychics and healers suddenly abound but how do we know who and what is right for us?

Afterall, to work with someone is a deep investment of time, trust and money. And there are no guarantees when it comes to the non-local world.

For my business, I offer clients the opportunity to take the first few minutes of their readings to see if it’s resonating for them, and if it isn’t, then I won’t go on and won’t charge them. Is that enough of a guarantee?

We all know people who have been upset by a reading and have come back even a year later and said that ultimately it proved to be right and now refer their friends. How would you give someone difficult news in such a way that they could use it to grow or find the opportunities in it?

From the practitioner’s side, we never know how people are going to hear or use what we say, and sometimes it’s truly surprising. Most times it works well for everyone or we wouldn’t develop a following or positive word-of-mouth, two essential ingredients for a booming practice, or so I believe.

We can be swayed by what people want or are willing to hear. Unlike T.V. depictions, information may come in quite subtly. We seek to be clear channels but we can fall short.

For instance, I read that it was important for the government to give their remote viewers (psychic spies) quick feedback on whether they were right or wrong because the remote viewers couldn’t tell the difference without it. There’s a vulnerability about that and a whole other conversation to explore in a future newsletter.

Of course there’s another scenario, the out-and-out frauds. How do we recognize those? While as a working psychic, it may seem obvious to me, signs are often missed even by highly intelligent people, especially when they are feeling desperate and at a loss.

Psychic Red Flags:

1. Someone requires substantial money from you to remove a curse.
2. Substantial or sequential money to psychically cause someone to do what you want.

(In readings I will send mental messages to people, but that simply presents an opportunity to them which they may have missed. It in no way forces them, or assumes that we wish to exert our willpower over them to create our intention. Nor is there an extra charge for that.)

Spiritually, we trust that the results are in God’s hands. If the word “God” annoys you, then imagine the guiding organizing principle in the universe. This force is greater than any psychic or momentary desire.

A key element is teaching someone how to work with that force. Sometimes we’re so involved with our thoughts, schemes and plans that it’s as if we have our faces pressed against a map and don’t know why we can’t see where we’re going but we’re generally anxious to get there already!

Modern readings are often less about fortune telling and more about fortune creation.

The assumption is that life is an inside job and what we create from within allows us to attract from the world. The feminine/yin in us acts like a magnet drawing our good to us, rather than the more yang energy which draws its sword and pursues.

We strike a balance between the two: action and reception/yin and yang. Being and doing. How we work with energy can easily alter the course of our lives.

That this idea has gained popularity is evidenced by movies such as The Secret experiencing mass appeal. As readers, we all have our different talents, and working with the unseen is ironically something that a client may not even perceive. They just know they feel better. Or they don’t quite know everything that happened.

But we started with the question about the Psychic Mafia? Who are they and how do you and I avoid them?

I first heard the term as a title for a tell-all book. Initially I thought it a joke. However, I soon found it a fast and fascinating read.

Mediums in this book are villainous con artists who use multiple techniques of fakery, fraud and even sexuality in order to fool and fleece the public. Some techniques should be obvious—for instance, if you’re having sex in the seance room with your dead husband’s ghost, you might want to turn up the lights and see what’s real.

My article on this is forthcoming in the October 2006 Intuitive-Connections and will be featured in this newsletter’s October issue as well.

Granted, this is only a monthly if you have no conception of time. However, the next installment is ready. So stay tuned, more is about to be revealed!


Supporting you in creating a life that fulfills your greatest dreams.


The Annual Tarot Symposium. This year’s theme: Love On the Royal Road, Saturday, September 23rd, 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m, Orange County. For information or registration: Barbara at (714) 734-8626
$80/includes lunch, $85 if you choose to attend the beginning class, as well.