The more time off I take, the more money I make. I tithe freely, receive graciously, and share myself with the world. As I focus on self care, money comes to me from everywhere. My creativity flourishes and is consistently rewarded.
Good ideas become great ones easily carried to fruition. I accept the highest and best and give thanks that I am so richly blessed. I experience good fortune, good feelings, and am glad to be alive. Divine light blazes through me in a pattern of success.
©Lorrie Kazan
Supporting you in creating a holistic and abundant life that truly honors your soul
“Creating Your Future,” light hypnosis, deep meditation. Create the life you love in an atmosphere of fun and support. Sunday, January 22nd, 1pm-3pm. $35 (Special Early Bird Price ends today: $30 if paid by January 9th)
Also, if you missed the current Psychic Thought, click here
Quote of the Week:
“Giving is the first step in receiving…there are three kinds of giving. All three are equally necessary to your long term growth and success.
First Give to God…practice giving or returning impersonally to the universe on a systematic basis a portion of all that the universe shares with [you].
Second Give to yourself…all progress begins with self improvement.
Third After giving to [spirit] and to yourself, then give something to someone else…bless whatever…you give [and] the person or persons to whom you gave it. Then release both the gift and the recipient.”
— Catherine Ponder, Open Your Mind to Receive