The Remarkable Psychic Edgar Cayce Predicted these Earth Changes but He Also Gave Us the Antidote


Just because people or forces want to divide and conquer doesn’t mean you have to be divided and conquered. Edgar Cayce (one of the most documented psychics in history) predicted our current energy crises but stressed that we had the power to avoid these crises. How?

Become more “godlike.” Cayce was a Christian mystic who urged us to follow the Christ ideal.  (You can choose any ascended master–Buddha, Quan Yin, etc– to represent that devotion to love, doing unto others as you would have them do to you.) It’s all God/Source/Great Spirit as are we. Cayce predicted that our greed and selfishness would cause us personal pain and further, it would catastrophically affect the earth.

Is it too late? What do we risk by being kind? By taking care of our fellows? Relieving suffering? Will there be enough for me if I share with you? Again, what would Love do? What did the great masters advise?

Suffering in the world is massive and yet blessings are also abundant.

Have you noticed that more people are referring to themselves as Empaths? What does it mean? Empaths feel everything, whether it happens to them or not. They’re like those canaries placed in the mine to test whether the air was safe. If the canary died, it wasn’t.

Empaths are the first to feel pain even when it’s not theirs. They can warn you that the air is thinning, and alert you to dangers you can’t see. But how do you respond if you can’t see or feel it yourself? Do you wait until the canary dies and hope it isn’t too late?

Earlier, I mentioned Quan Yin who was known as a Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva has reached nirvana but remains behind until all sentient beings are liberated. Bodhisattvas take on the suffering of others.

How can you help the earth? Monitor your thoughts and behaviors. Recognizing when you’re acting out of fear or self-centeredness is the first step in shifting toward higher consciousness. Will being motivated by love give us more freedom and heal the environment?

Maybe you feel insignificant. How could your actions make a difference? Cayce reminded us that we are connected—we come from different races and religions, but we have one source.

Astronaut Alexander Gerst, tells us that from space:

“We do not see any borders… We just see a unique planet with a thin, fragile atmosphere, suspended in a vast and hostile darkness. From up here, it is crystal clear that on Earth we are one humanity, we eventually all share the same fate.”

He warns us that everywhere he looks he sees fires and wars. Our borders are lost to him but our destruction isn’t. This is what empaths see from inner space. The definition of resentment is taking poison and hoping it kills the other guy. Our collective resentments are poisoning the atmosphere.

We can’t completely control world leaders. (I’m not excluding voting, protesting, and all manner of resistance.) As individuals, we can choose our ideals and amend our behavior so that it conforms to our standards. We may miss the mark but we’re aiming in the right direction.

The butterfly effect illustrates how even the most minute changes change everything.

Make it manageable. For example, just for an hour, be kind to yourself even when you don’t think you deserve it. Allow that kindness to overflow out into the world. It doesn’t mean you become a doormat. Non-reactivity gives you a choice about how you want to behave. 

As Edgar Cayce encouraged, pick an ideal every year that will be your guide. Examples include love, kindness, wisdom…By measuring your behavior against this ideal, you can foster a deeper understanding of yourself and cultivate a more intentional approach to your interactions and decisions.

When we are at peace internally, we create more peace in the world. “Know Thyself” was inscribed at the entrance to the Oracle at Delphi.

The earth is a living being that feels our pain.  It’s living in warring households where bombs are thrown on her soil. Let the land be safe from our actions and torments.

You could refrain from harming any sentient being, including the earth. Water a plant, feed a dog, make someone feel welcome and safe.

Change one thing, you change everything.

The earth will prosper. Empaths will thank you. And you’ll feel it.