People are scared about war, about not finding true love, about being sick, about all the “what ifs.”
“What if” doesn’t take you where you want to go unless you’re asking “what if” something great happens. Most of the negative “what ifs” won’t happen. And what you’re meant to encounter, you will.
What Are You Meant to Encounter?
Jungians and other psychologically-oriented people believe that if you do your inner work you will not have to meet so many difficult issues as fate. (I wrote another as yet unsent article to answer a client’s question about “what is inner work?”)
The short is that inner work requires taking the initiative to see why you think as you do, what motivates you, etc.
I see this when I do psychic readings. One question I ask the Universe and the Tarot is “where is this client’s blind spot?”
Blind Spots: Everybody Has Them
“What you are stands over you and shouts so loudly that I cannot hear what you are saying to the contrary.” Emerson
Physical Blind Spots:
I once had a car I hated (why hate a car especially since I got such a great financial deal buying it?)
Here’s how I discovered its blind spot. I was backing up, looking out the back window and I crashed into something on the back right side. But there was nothing there, not in the mirror, and not when I continued to look out the back window.
But there had been metal trash bins. Loud when hit. And now a dented car that I’d bought for logical reasons, primarily a price I couldn’t refuse. It wasn’t a snazzy Fiat, which I’d really wanted but didn’t buy because it wasn’t practical and everybody knew that Fiats ended up in the shop, or they did in those days. And people “like me” needed to be practical. People like me didn’t buy Fiats, take those kind of chances.
Psychological Blind Spots:
Everybody would have taken the best deal and driven a car they hated. Everyone would have hated that particular car. Actually, that car became a classic (not to me, of course.) White cars are ugly, everyone knows that. No, everyone else didn’t know that. Nor did they think my well being was reflected in this car.
Everybody Doesn’t Think Like You:
Even when you look at the same car or the same political candidate. Or the same flag. How often do you question your belief system? Your mind can be a dangerous place. Mine is…if left unquestioned.
How Many of Your Thoughts Are Yours:
Maybe you vote for the same political party your parents did. Or you’ll never vote for that party because your parents did.
Neither Way Is Freedom
So here’s what happened to me a couple of months ago. I was suddenly seized with the idea that I should offer the Interlife Regression as a teleclass. Almost no one teaches this class. Maybe they know something I don’t? Maybe I should do something past life or future life? The idea was clear. Interlife.
But Here’s the thing I’ve Learned About Psychic Hits:
I call it a psychic hit when I get seized by an idea like this. I do go over it in my mind, the effort the commitment to it will require on my part. In this case, considerable: get the script right, get the word out, explain the InterLife.
Altered State:
It’s like I’m in an altered state when I get ideas to take an action like this. It feels like someone really needs it and I can actually do it. Which, of course, must mean that I need it too?
Surrender is a spiritual concept for letting go and letting God (or the Universe, or whatever you call some power greater than yourself).
Critical Mind:
I haven’t sent out psychic newsletters in a while because yes, I’ve been busy with readings, but also because nothing I’ve written has looked good enough to me. My critical mind has been on a rampage.
It doesn’t like my logic. That includes past newsletters already posted on my site. Fix the logic.
Psychic Hits:
I’m good with psychic hits and impressions but I’m convinced it’s not valuable to others unless served with a certain organized logical form. (One I secretly believe I have but actually believe I don’t have. It’s in there somewhere, if I would just try harder….)
Remember how logic served me so well with that white and quickly dented car?
Could there be a Blind Spot Here?
I just pulled a Tarot card for the car blind spot.
Card pulled: 3 of Cups.
This represents celebration, joy. A number of ways to look at any one card. Top of my head: No permission to make mistakes, to be impractical, illogical, to do something just for the joy of it.
Rather than researching more meanings for you, I pulled a second card to answer the question: What Is My Blind Spot in this area?
5 of Disks
This is a card where everything looks bleak, you don’t think you have enough of what you need, certainly not enough money. But the counsel is to look up, to realize you’re almost at a sanctuary.
Again, an abbreviated version unless you ask for more.
The InterLife:
When regressed (talked into a deep state of relaxation and then given further guidance) you can see the interlife whether you believe in it or not. Even if you were making up the images you saw, you would learn about yourself.
What if You Choose Your Parents?
Want to see why you chose yours? What were your options?
Why did I choose mine?
From what I’ve seen, I was in a hurry to get back into physical life. What might I have gained by waiting? What did I get by choosing the ones I got?
Well, I am a car dealer’s daughter who has lived a lot of my life in Los Angeles where cars reign supreme. Writing this reminds me about my struggle to be patient. A worthwhile effort, indeed.
What About You?
Ever wonder why certain people are in your life? Why you met and stayed with some and left others? Or why they left you.
So now I’m going to talk about the Interlife Regression class. Limited to a small group of people.
Access Your InterLife – Regression (by Phone)
We’re going to travel back to the Interlife. The Bardo. The place where your soul was before it came into this material plane where you live today.
You inner self is longing to be heard. It holds the code for the mysteries of your existence. Join me for this powerful session where you’ll experience yourself at your essence. See why you chose this particular body and this time in history to be born. Meet the Guides who helped you decide.
Where: From a cozy, quiet spot in your home
How: Via phone
Why: You Deserve to Know Who You Are and Why You Came Into this Life. It’s easy and fun. Plus it’s incredibly healing.
This is an opportunity to get in touch with your soul. Never skip a chance for a healing trance.
M.J. Drye says:
“Lorrie, I am always inspired to sign up for your classes…for me, your wise, compassionate heart brings such clarity to your gifts of seeing and knowing so authentically…and then you hold each of us in a resonate field of safety and healing that allows for deep inner exploration…you are a precious gift dear heart.”
Unique about my classes is the laser focus on you, your comfort and your personal growth. Plus my background in regression and my decades long work as a psychic.
Where: Your Home via Phone
When: Sunday, May 7, 2017
What time: 11 a.m.-1p.m. (Pacific)
2 p.m.-4 p.m. Eastern
Space is limited so I can monitor each person
What You Can Expect:
A short check-in, and then a relaxed, guided meditation in a loving and supportive space. Participants report feeling deeply relaxed, finding greater consciousness of themselves and their lives, insightful aha moments…and fun.
With your permission, I will give you any psychic hits that may come through for you.
Cost: $75, Register early, space limited.
What Others Say about the Interlife?
“Bardo” refers to an in-between state. It is most often used in the Buddhist tradition to refer to the time between death and rebirth.
The Bardo of Breaking Up
Your Reward:
Share this newsletter on social networks (click links at the top) or forward to three people who might enjoy it, and in return I will calculate your life destiny number and give you some information about it. Email me the month, day and year of your birth. If I’ve already calculated your life destiny number, you can still participate by having me calculate your number for the current year.
About Me:
by Belgian painter Fernand Toussaint (1873-1956)
Testimonials:(And so much for humility) 🙂
“Amazing call today. I like it because totally new experience and it left me really centered…The sharing afterwords was great and allowed me to experience something new that people are dealing with in their lives.” T.A.
“Your voice is so soothing, I just went under.” Susie Bottomley
“I wanted to tell you that the group pastlife meditation that you led a while back was one of the most profound spiritual experiences that I’ve ever had. Thank you for all that you do, Lorrie! Sending healing thoughts and gratefulness your way.” With love, A.
“Lorrie, I am always inspired to sign up for your classes…for me, your wise, compassionate heart brings such clarity to your gifts of seeing and knowing so authentically…and then you hold each of us in a resonate field of safety and healing that allows for deep inner exploration…you are a precious gift dear heart.” M.J. Drye
“I got so much information. I can’t wait to do it again.” Dr. Silvia Cardona
“The vision of my past life you saw answered questions about my life today.” Lisa
“Thank you — over and over and over again — for your incredible insight! I appreciate your gifts more than I can say.” C.B.
“Wow, what a fantastic reading!!! With your help I now have a greater sense of peace and tranquility. I was so moved by your ability to connect me with my [deceased] brother and my mother! What a gift you have shared with me…thank you a thousand times!
Warmest regards, Susan Johnson
“I fully expected to find the missing $20,000 in property my husband left behind. During our reading, my [deceased] father came in and insisted I would find $50,000. Testimonial: He was right…you were right…I’ve found almost $50,000. This is money I really need for my kids.” Anon
“Lorrie, Thank you for your support when I needed it most back in 2011…I was dealing with work and fertility issues. I had just been notified that I was getting laid off. You told me that I was going to find something quickly and not to worry about unemployment. Surely, I was offered a position in Nov with my current employer and my employment didn’t lapse.
Also, I was looking at doing IVF in Dec 2011 after unsuccessful tries of 4 years to have a baby. You told me that you didn’t see a baby as a result of that IVF but by the end of 2013 I should be a mom. Back then, that sounded like a long wait time…So you were right… now I just became mom to my precious twin boys. Again, your prediction was right on…Thank you again for your words of hope and inspiration.” Anon
“Lorrie told me I was pregnant the same day, I later learned, I conceived my daughter.”
Christine Kloser
“Your guidance and help have transformed my life at the deepest level.”
Dr. Silvia Cardona, DDS
Chosen as one of the top
Psychics in a worldwide audition
for the prestigious Edgar Cayce Institute
Lorrie Kazan
Author of Happiness Calls Your Name:
Channeled One-Minute Meditations
to Rewire Your Brain
A Psychic Reading Can
Help You Break through Limits
And Expand a Life You Adore