I encourage everyone to take the first five minutes of their reading and make sure they like my style. If not, we can stop and I will void the charge. Otherwise, we go on. I charge $85/15 minutes, $145/half hour, $206/45 minutes, and $265/hour. After the first 15 minutes reading, you can also read by Read more
What Is Your Greatest Weapon Against Fear & Destruction?
on March 16, 2020Your ability to decide how you respond to it. You can define who you’ll be and how you’ll behave in a crisis. Are you a person who inspires wisdom? If not, is that something you want to build into yourself? How about the ability to practice love and tolerance in the face of pettiness and Read more
Going Through Rough Times? Maybe You’re Meant to Be a Mystic? Article in Progress
on June 13, 2019Pain and dissatisfaction found Caroline Myss, a revered author who came to fame through success in medical intuition and the book she wrote about it, Why People Don’t Heal. The term medical intuitive may have been coined by and for her. Myss needed to make sense of her own pain. She believes she’d already come Read more
7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Meditate
on February 25, 2019You don’t feel like it You have too much to do Your mind is too active You have issues that need your attention It’s too noisy You’re tired Nobody will know Why You Should Meditate: Peace of mind You’ll Make Better Decisions Become More Psychic You’ll Get Better at It You’ll Become More Grounded Deeper Read more
Why Do You Forget You’re Psychic?
on August 1, 2018Yesterday, I called a company for help with a decision. I’m taking a business course from them this August. After signing up, I got an upsell. Spend $197 more for a certain increased amount of value I’m not sure I needed. I’m sort of iffy on taking this course but it was highly recommended and Read more
What If This Single Process Could Make You Endlessly Fascinating?
on July 19, 2018Not only fascinating just by being yourself but at peace within. The inspiration for this post came from Dennis Palumbo’s Writing From the Inside Out: Transforming Your Psychological Blocks to Release the Writer Within Dennis Palumbo is an award-winning screenwriter (“My Favorite Year”), novelist, and therapist who specializes in working with creative people and their Read more
Where Will You Be In 5 Minutes? Let’s Play the Psychic Game:
on July 19, 2018How do you play the psychic game? Ask yourself the question: Where will I be in 5 minutes? Then imagine yourself 5 minutes from now. Where are you? What are you doing? With myriads of directions to go in this morning, I asked myself to see where I’d be in 5 minutes. I saw myself Read more
Take A Spiritual Trip With Me?
on April 1, 2018No drugs. So a magical trip tease. Suffering cancer patients were given psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms) during study trials at N.Y.U. and Johns Hopkins. I’ve been following these and other studies for years. The majority of those patients experienced miraculous states of bliss, a sense of oneness with the universe, and deep love that didn’t disappear Read more
Test of Faith
on February 18, 2018Oddest thing. I met a young woman on the street. She was saddled with an overstuffed backpack, 3 fishing rods, two baskets filled with stuff. “I don’t know what to do,” she said as I was walking past her. Then her strange story ensued which included her father and brother getting arrested, leaving her there Read more
Achieving Your Mystical Grace
on December 13, 2017ARE YOU EXPERIENCING YOUR MYSTICAL GRACE? The late poet, author, and former priest, John O’Donohue, discovered something vital when he was ministering to the sick: Those who befriended their illness(es) were a marvel in grace. They achieved a kind of mystical creativity from work done in secret, mystical grace. As we walk through our Read more
The Remarkable Psychic Edgar Cayce Predicted these Earth Changes but He Also Gave Us the Antidote
on September 25, 2017Just because people or forces want to divide and conquer doesn’t mean you have to be divided and conquered. Edgar Cayce (one of the most documented psychics in history) predicted our current energy crises but stressed that we had the power to avoid these crises. How? Become more “godlike.” Cayce was a Christian mystic who Read more
Are You Psychic? Do You Want to Be?
on March 17, 2017Are you in touch with your psychic abilities? Or are you awed at how someone else can do it? Maybe you’ve had some psychic experiences but you want to understand it better or increase your skills? Some renowned intuitives have expressed their views on how you can attain this. For Edgar Cayce, the most documented Read more
The Bob Dylan I Knew & The Nobel Prize
on November 17, 2016I used to work for Bob Dylan’s ex-wife when the children were still growing and the dog was my best friend. I don’t know his current situation but it reminds me of days when I’d find his delightful son Jakob in the TV room at noon and my question was “Are you sick? Or sick Read more
What Does It Take to Be Psychic?
on May 13, 2016I’ve always thought it took courage to stay with your truth when people say you’re crazy, and most people in the psychic field have been called crazy. You’re just imagining things…until someone else can see it. Renowned medical intuitive, Caroline Myss, says intuition starts with self-esteem. Without that magic ingredient, you will not be able to Read more
Where Do You Stand on the Psychic/Empath Meter?
on April 7, 2016You didn’t know there was a meter? Any intuitive will tell you that navigating the outside world can be tricky. It demands not having your head in the clouds, or maybe “owning” one of those well-trained service dogs that can keep you on track. If you’re a highly sensitive person, you might be easily distracted Read more