Your body talks…all the time. It can show up as discomfort, especially if you haven’t been listening.
What helps: Slow down. Slowing down allows the body to catch up to the chattering mind. In fact, slowing down can put the spotlight on that chatter so you actually hear it and decide whether you want to be guided by it. Or the chatter doesn’t have to work so hard to get your attention.
Why are we afraid to slow down? Don’t you have to get somewhere even when there’s nowhere to go? We’re a nation of winners, goal-getters. But intuition doesn’t work best that way. It doesn’t care about your self-imposed schedule as much as it follows the needs of the soul.
Spiritually, there’s nowhere to go. All that we need already is. But it doesn’t feel that way. We’re schooled to believe we’re in a rat race over time and money. And we look for shortcuts, such as fame, wealth, property, prestige, drugs, alcohol, food, porn and TV to fill the emptiness.
Emptiness has to do with leaving the soul (God self) behind while we pursue the wants of the jabbering mind.
Then money is bad? No, money is energy. Capture all the energy you need. Magnetize it to you.
I enjoy nice things. But I also know you can have stuff and no freedom. Stuff won’t fill the place inside that craves something beyond the mollification of the moment.
That’s where the body is speaking. Where it pulls us back from multi-tasks, won’t cooperate with our best plans for how it should be. But offers us a different “is.”
This is how it is for now, for this second in time. How do we be with Now? Let’s take a step inside.
Click the link below to hear full meditation (5 quick body-healing minutes)
Close your eyes. Take a moment to breathe, to set everything else aside except for the breath. If voices start telling you things you should do, take a moment to write those things down.
Or you can consciously follow those thoughts: Now I’m thinking….Now I’m thinking….and the thoughts will begin to slow as each gets its space.
Breathe into the belly, filling the belly with air, and exhale fully. Let the body know: I am here. I am here for you, I am here with you. I am here.
Breathe into your whole body. As we breathe the universe breathes with us. We are one live interconnected being, breathing.
As we expand our breath, we expand our consciousness and inner peace. We tap into that highly tuned consciousness in the world. We breathe as in a wave, allowing the universe to participate, to heal, and to strengthen us.
We breathe in the breath of the body. We oxygenate every cell and nerve. We allow the body to speak, to release, to find it’s place. We allow the body to dissolve and replace in an instant. We tap into the wave of creation, where we are, and are not. We breathe, dissolve, reappear better and more vibrant, more fluid. All is in flow, an act of becoming, transforming, dissolving, reconstituting as intrinsically whole.
Take another breath, release fully, relax deeply, where is your body calling, is there any place that hurts or seems to want your attention?

Copyright © 2012 Lorrie Kazan
About Me:
Lorrie told me I was pregnant the day (I later found out) I actually conceived my daughter! She also described the house we later moved into.
Christine Kloser, Founder, NEW Entrepreneurs, Inc.
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