Good Fortune Is Consistently Good To Me


Everything I need comes to me with grace and ease. I am rich beyond my dreams; good fortune is consistently good to me. The more I give, the more I receive. The more I expand, the more I see a benevolent power lovingly nurturing me.



Quote of the Week:

“I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love, and abundance. Then whenever doubt, anxiety, or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal and soon they’ll forget my number.”
Edith Armstrong


“Creating Your Future” class, Sunday, November 6th, 1-3 pm.
Informal, fun and intentionally life altering. Once again, synchronistically, on the anniversary of the Harmonic Concordance. What would you do if you knew you could succeed? What do you want? Next 5 months? Next 5 years? Next 5 minutes? You will be guided through a deep meditation connecting you with the divine right souls for your future, and activating the life of your dreams. Gain support and clarity for materializing your vision.

Early bird special: $30, if paid by October 28th. Cost: $35 (after October 28th), pay by cash, check, credit card

About Lorrie:

Chosen by the prestigious Edgar Cayce Society as one of the top Psychics in a worldwide audition, Lorrie offers a variety of expert-level readings designed to provide you with cutting-edge insights, advice and predictions related to specific areas of your life–including living your soul’s purpose, experiencing love, enhancing relationships, advancing your career, creating abundance and transforming daily living challenges.