By Lorrie Kazan
One night I was settled on my bed, listening to TV and writing, copying quotations for future newsletters. In the blink of an eye, my pages were somehow covered with blood spatter.
I say the blink of an eye because it’s the only way I can imagine the change taking place without my seeing…if it happened while I blinked.
Here are a few pictures I took to show the vet:
Why show the vet? Because the cats were sleeping on the bed and since I could find no place on myself oozing blood, I wanted to make sure the cats hadn’t somehow caused this phenomenon. Where the blood is smeared slightly is where I felt it to see that it was actually wet.

The vet was sure she’d find fleas but my cats came out clean. No kidney or bladder infections, no reason anyone could think.

Is this a God-shot? A moment when worlds collide and one is re-awakened to the idea that things are not always as they’re supposed to be?

Maybe you have an explanation for the blood spatter?
Recently, a friend spent the night. She was in town to prepare a memorial service for her father who had passed away after a devastating illness.
The next morning she kept referencing the bathroom, as if I’d somehow know what she meant. “What are you talking about?” I finally inquired. Turns out, she was up at 5 a.m. and tried to get into the bathroom. (I only have one.)
But, the door was closed, the overhead fan roared and lights blazed through the beveled glass part of the door. “I got up a number of times,” she said. “I was worried about you, but finally I just went back to sleep.”
Thing is, I wasn’t in there. I was sound asleep until 7. Even if the cats had awakened, there’s no feasible way they could have activated two switches, shut the door, and somehow opened it and turned everything off by the time I woke up.

My friend had that baffled look of incredulity I’ve often experienced when I know something happened, I’m right there with it, but it makes no logical sense.
Jungians might call these numinous moments. The divine speaks to us all the time, but why do it in code? It certainly gets your attention, stops you in your tracks and makes you question.
After my mother died, my bathroom lights started to flicker. With my father, the TV began going on at bizarre times, or refusing to shut off.
Electricity is said to be a way the dead use to communicate, but that doesn’t mean we assume anything, even given the work I do. I always look for the logical explanation. So far, no electrician has given one. “You’re haunted,” is what the last one said.
I could regale you with bizarre stories, interesting synchronicities and deja vus, but I try to keep online articles brief and easy to read.
Real phenomena is often subtle. It comes in on baby feet, I believe, unless it needs to hit you on head to get your attention. Psyche talks to us all the time. If you’re racing, racing, multi-tasking, you might just miss it. Unless something stops you in your tracks.What nudged me to compose this now was a combination of seeing my friend’s face, knowing her dad had just died, and the event happening in my home, though this time not to me.
When my TVs first started turning on, especially at odd hours waking me from sleep, I’d ask myself, what is being communicated? I even bought Oyster Shell calcium tablets because I was awakened by that infomercial blaring from the living room, and I thought I would honor it.
But you’re a psychic, you might say, don’t you know everything, especially when it happens in your own life. No one knows everything, not even Edgar Cayce, the most documented psychic in history.
Cayce would say we came into to unite with our God selves, and those of us living at this time in history are challenged to unite with divine love in a way that’s far more urgent than ever.
Mediums would say that phenomena lets you know you’re not alone. The message many would say is, “I’m here. There’s no death.”
Often when something happens to you, you lack the inner distance to fully understand. You’re probably busy, you have agendas, but see if you’re also questioning things in your own mind.
Of course, the universe is vast, multi-dimensional, and always answering. That’s why we suggest you ask questions in a positive way if you can. So, not “what’s wrong with me?” But how could I develop my talents, create more abundance?
The divine is communicating all the time. Edgar Cayce said everything important is previewed in our dreams. So if you don’t have phenomena in your waking life, don’t assume you’re not in the conversation.
Begin taking note of your dreams. Before you go to sleep, ask a question you want answered. Step up your participation in the process and see what happens.
Caroline Myss says: Remember, you asked the divine for intervention, so say yes when it arrives.
On an up note, my microwave miraculously started working after a year and a half of not,while I periodically debated about how and when I’d replace it. (A mixed note if you like their quickness but fear their waves!)