In the 1930s, Edgar Cayce–one of history’s most documented psychics–predicted the energy crises we face today. He believed that the power to avoid such upheavals lay within us.
Cayce warned that greed and selfishness wouldn’t just cause emotional and spiritual suffering but would also lead to major environmental disasters, including earthquakes, floods, and melting ice caps.
Cayce’s Solution:
Cayce, a devout Christian, evolved into a Christian mystic due to what he learned from his readings. He urged us to embody the “Christ ideal.” Please don’t confuse this concept with religion. This ideal appears across the board and is exemplified by figures such as the Buddha, Quan Yin, Jesus, and other ascended masters.
At its core, this ideal is about love. It follows the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It’s core integrity that outside pressures won’t alter. It councils us to be compassionate, refrain from judgment, cast no stones, and see others as ourselves.
The Earth and Our Behavior
By embracing this ideal, we treat the earth as a sacred living being and not as a product to be plundered.
Is it too late?
Given the current state of environmental destruction, what do we risk by embodying spirituality, and for instance, being kind? What do we risk by relieving suffering in others? Spiritually we know there are no others. Cayce’s cosmology stresses oneness. When we alleviate suffering, we heal ourselves and the planet.
A Glimpse of Healing
The world is filled with suffering yet it’s also abundant in miracles. During the pandemic, we were astounded at how quickly the earth could recover. In Los Angeles, we soon saw blue skies reappear as pollution levels dropped. We were surprised at the earth’s resilience when we changed our behavior.
How Can You Help?
Become conscious:
- Notice your thoughts and actions
- Compare them to your chosen ideals
- Recognize when you’re acting out of fear or self-centeredness. Awareness allows you to make hard choices.
By rooting our actions in love, we can solidify the integrity needed to heal ourselves and the environment.
Astronaut Alexander Gerst tells us that from space:
We do not see any borders… We just see a unique planet with a thin, fragile atmosphere, suspended in a vast and hostile darkness. From up here, it is crystal clear that on Earth we are one humanity, we eventually all share the same fate.
Everywhere he looked he saw fires and wars. Our borders were lost to him but our destruction wasn’t.
This is what empaths see and feel from inner space. Empaths feel what happens in the world as if it’s happening to them. Like canaries in a coal mine, their sensitivity signals when something is wrong.
Practical Steps You Can Take
While you can’t control world leaders directly, you can
- Vote, protest, and support policies that prioritize collective well-being
- Choose and follow a personal ideal—such as love, kindness, or justice—and align your behavior with it.
- Embrace the butterfly effect. Small actions can create significant change.
Make it Manageable
For example, just for an hour, be kind to yourself even when you don’t think you deserve it. Allow that kindness to overflow into the world. It doesn’t mean you become a doormat. (Don’t mistake kindness for weakness)
Just for a moment, let’s refrain from harming any sentient being. Water a plant, feed a dog, make someone feel welcome and safe. Try a non-toxic solution in your garden or on your dishes.
“Drill baby drill?” Imagine if the land could speak—what would it ask of us?
It might ask us to p.a.u.s.e. Postpone action until serenity emerges. Serenity gives birth to sanity.
Cayce’s Practice: Living by Ideals
As Edgar Cayce advised, select an ideal each year—e.g., love, kindness, understanding, service, healing, or justice—and use it as a guide. Then, regularly reflect on whether your actions align with that ideal.
When you measure your behavior against your ideal, you gain a clearer understanding of yourself which allows a more intentional approach to living.
When you are at peace internally, you create more peace externally.
As the Oracle at Delphi advised: “Know Thyself.” For Cayce, this meant not just understanding yourself but actively working toward your highest potential. His approach to ideals was active and ongoing.
A Spiritual Perspective on the Earth
Think of the earth as a sentient being that feels everything. In some traditions, she’s viewed as the loving mother who supports and nurtures us all.
Spiritually, we are one, interconnected, and composed of stardust. What we do to ourselves, we also do to the earth. Let the land be spared our torments but enhanced by actions stemming from our ideals.
A Call to Action
Change one thing, and you change everything. Treat the earth and all its inhabitants with love and compassion. The earth will heal. Empaths will feel relief. And you will sense the difference, too.