Remote Viewing :: Celebrating 40 Years of Remote Viewing International Remote Viewing Conference 2012


By Lorrie Kazan

(Published in Eight Martinis Magazine December 2012-January 2013)

IRVA 2012 was once again held at the spectacular Green Valley Ranch Casino and Spa in Las Vegas.  Someone on the IRVA website forum asked if you could get any work done, or was it all gambling and Jacuzzis.

In fact, a great deal of work was done.  The seminar side of the event was held in an air conditioned auditorium just off the casino; it was separate enough so that we were basically in our own world until we ventured out for food or frenzy.

Master of Ceremonies, William (Billy) Ray, who was one of Ingo Swann’s original students, lent his commanding presence, and held things together with intelligence and humor, always reminding us to ask what we were learning about ourselves, and not just the target.


Skip Atwater (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Skip Atwater (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Skip Atwater:  Quantum Mind RV with Spatial Angle Modulation addressed psi-conducive situations increasing RV accuracy.  Atwater, employed by The Monroe Institute, is a believer in their Hemi-Sync technology’s ability to create that psi-conducive state.  Moreover, they’re developing a more advanced technology that will increase 70 cycles per second (rather than 25).

During the audience Q&A, Russell Targ challenged Atwater to provide evidence that hemi-sync was more psi-conducive than sitting quietly with a cup of coffee.  Response: At this time it can only be shown that Hemi-Sync improves focus but there’s not yet evidence to show it improves psychic functioning.

Targ also raised the issue of ERV, the process he witnessed in the earlier days, which was simpler than CRV and so many practices now, and yet highly accurate.

Marsha Adams: Should Location, Environment and Time be Considered Variables in Remote Viewing Performance?

Marcia Adams (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Marcia Adams (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Marcia Adams (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Adams is an expert in medical research, solar terrestrial physics, earthquake prediction, and statistics analysis.  A civilian SRI employee, she was also trained by Ingo Swann.

Salient points:

Her measurements show that space weather affects psi performance. It’s noted that the geomagnetic field is quiet the day before the best sessions.  We can now get satellite data on our iphones to alert us several hours before impending magnetic activity.

Thus, we have the opportunity to schedule better timing for RV sessions.  She reminds us that the earth is electrical and we’re electrical beings influenced by changing environment, e.g. lightening, sun flares, ECME spews forth atoms into inner planetary space, coronal holes, magnetic storms on the earth can disorganize the field.

We’re overdue for magnetic pole shift, but sudden in geologic time could mean 1000 years.  Peculiar magnetic signatures are noted at sacred sites (Sedona, Avebury, etc).  Most Kivas are found to be radioactive.

In Euro-lore certain odd geopathic zones are also distinguished by a conflagration of ants, twisted trees, and dead plants.  In the US we tend to find haunted houses. 

Often there are excessive malfunctions, such as at the Sedona Observatory where cameras were “zapped,” the motherboard caught fire, lights spontaneously went on.  These were called “gremlin” areas.  In these environments it was also noticed that ant hills formed particularly straight lines to a house.

We are affected by EM we cannot sense directly.  We’re colorblind at night if we don’t have enough light, though the camera can see.  We each have a strong electrical field that is measurable by polygraph, EEG, EKG.  We can experience EM sickness symptoms.

Adams alluded to the Magnetic Helmet (God Helmet) which she said produces religious experience; the signal is similar to that at sacred sites.  You are a human antenna, she told us.

Unlike me, readers may already be familiar with the Magnetic Helmet.  If not, here is a link to provide more clarification:


Adams cautioned us about dirty electricity; beware of multiple factors, i.e., cell phone towers, high voltage power lines, elevator shafts, chargers.  Don’t sleep with the cell phone or amidst electrical appliances.  They are constantly emitting frequencies. 

She encouraged us to read “A Consumer’s Guide to Dirty Electricity Bioinitiative Report.” Here are some links I found for more information:

Adams also recommended a 2-link energy shielding pendant which she sells on her site.  It’s the only tested pendant on the market:

Why avoid dirty electricity?  Like earthquakes, it’s associated with symptoms such as dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance, ear ringing, brain fog, irritability, deep anxiety, water retention, and hormonal changes.  Moving 1 inch can make a difference.  You can measure your own weight, mood and energy level.

Marty Rosenblatt: Analysis/Judging and Displacement in Associative Remote Viewing

Marty Rosenblatt (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Marty Rosenblatt (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Rosenblatt has successfully used ARV in investment clubs.  He still cautioned us to wage wisely.  (A number of people won money at last year’s IRVA conference by betting on the over/under the group recommended via ARV but that’s not always the case.)

“It’s the spirit in us that can connect with the future, non-locally.” Stephan Schwartz

We are living in a time like Copernicus.  “Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist.  We are collaborators in creation.” Pierre Teillhard de Chardin

We’re always creating; we can choose powerful ways of contributing to the collective.

We live in a non-local world but we don’t make practical use of it.  Use intention, attention and expectation.

Marty offers free webinars and ARV groups:

Russell Targ: The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities


Russell Targ (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Russell Targ (photo by Linda N. Barling)

The renowned physicist who conducted remote viewing experiments at Stanford.  He worked at Lockheed after retiring from SRI.  Now travels teaching.

Remote viewing is a natural ability. (

We give all the meaning there is to what we experience.  We can describe the picture. Interviewer keeps rver on right track by urging them to describe and not name things.  Images show up in your awareness; draw that.

Learn to decipher psychic signal from mental noise. Psychic functioning is an ability, like hearing; it’s not spiritual, and requires scientific and educational organization, not a spiritual foundation.

Targ offers weekend workshops on ERV.  He feels he doesn’t know more than that.  Targ and Hal Putoff taught 6 Fort Meade people, and those Fort Meade people taught the world.  This “spiritual organization” was started by the army.

He believes feedback doesn’t drive precognitive ability.  Strong evidence shows moving into the future or greater distance does not degrade image.

Non-locality is not a substitute for spiritual. Psychic functioning is non-local, geometric idea independent of space and time.

He reminds himself: If you want to be happy, give up defending your business card.

Targ’s latest book The Reality of ESP, A Physicists Proof of Psychic Abilities delves into this more fully.

Enough double blind experiments support the reality of ESP.  In fact, statistics are 10 times greater than proof that aspirin prevents heart attacks.

SRI wasn’t Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV).  It was close your eyes and say what you see.  It’s no harder to look far into the future than to describe something in your pocket.

No one doubts entanglement of photons – nothing to do with ESP; things separate from each other can still be in contact.

Jim Channon:  Workshop:  Introductory Drawing for Remote Viewers

Artist, Jim Channon (photography Linda N. Barling) 

Artist, Jim Channon (photography Linda N. Barling)

Jim Channon labels himself part shaman, showman, visionary and consultant to AT&T, Du Pont, Whirlpool and the semi-ridiculous Men Who Stare at Goats, to name a few.       

Surrounded by his art, Channon captivated us from the stage.  I had 2 heart attacks 20 days ago, he told us.  How was he able to rise up from his hospital bed and fly to Las Vegas? “I pushed the heart attack further back in space,” he said. (Here’s where my notes get a bit sketchy. See his website: or buy his talk via the link below.)

Channon calls himself a “rampant futurist.  “The planet doesn’t know where it’s going,” he said.  “Extra terrestrials are all us.  What are you doing about 2012? Ask and ye shall receive.  If you want to break through, just start doing it.  Don’t be polite. Be real.  Be greedy; hug people like you mean it,” he said.  

And then he taught us to draw.  His techniques were so simple even I could do it!  Faces started out as teacups and took on dimension from there.

Why draw?  Remote Viewers draw what they see.  You can sketch something intricately without knowing what it is.  Remember, don’t think in nouns, think adjectives, lines, shadows.  Don’t assume you know. 

Your analytical mind will want to impose images it already knows, but we want what the subconscious perceives, and not the left brain autocorrect version. True perceptions may not make sense, but who says it has to?  In fact, one often feels like Alice fallen through the looking glass as she re-orients to a new world. 

Paul Smith: How You and I Can Help Remote Viewing Become a Household Word

Our government was convinced enough about clairvoyance to fund it for a quarter century and to the tune of $32 million.  Smith encouraged us to go to and explore the real evidence.

It will help us find a way to talk about remote viewing and cut through the fog of misinformation.  “On your way home, introduce one person to RV, but do so responsibly,” he cautioned. 

An audience member raised the concern that words such as psychic or ESP can be problematic to many, whereas intuitionseems more socially acceptable.

“Imagine,” Smith said, “if everyone took on this limitless consciousness, who could be controlled?”

Lori Lambert Williams: Remote Viewing – Is it Dangerous?

Lori Williams is a remote viewer with a reputation for accuracy. Lyn Buchanan signed over his teaching practice to Lori and she actively teaches CRV.

Top 8 Fears About RV

  1. Fear Itself:  How does fear affect us?  Our own fears can create issues and illusions.
  2. What if I’m remote viewing alone and get lost in the ethers or can’t get out? Williams said this is like watching a John Wayne movie and never coming out.  You’re in control, you have a choice.  Take breaks away from the target.  Remote Viewers are like Dorothy in Oz; the lost feeling can be an indicator you’re on-target.  The left brain wants to feel secure; the right brain gives perceptions without providing story.
  3. Where is this information coming from?  It depends on what you believe:  Akashic Records, Cosmic Data base, guides, God…  Williams, a former missionary, always prays first.
  4. What if I view the part that’s on the underside of the paper?  (Presuming you’re viewing a magazine cut-out while training)  The more you practice, the greater your discipline and acumen at hitting the target.  If you have a psychiatric disorder, RV may not be a door you want to open; just be sure you are in line with your trainer’s sense of ethics.  Williams believes there is a solution to every situation that arises.
  5. Loss of Control:  Could I become daemon-possessed?  No.  In fact, Williams cured her fear of heights after remote viewing targets desensitized her to that issue.  Stay grounded.  Could someone else control me?  If you can be controlled in your regular life.
  6. Mind Melding – You leave something and you take something.  Detox thoroughly.
  7. Will RV Cause Me to Go Insane?  If you’re already crazy, don’t take the course.
  8. Could I be Kidnapped and Forced to RV for the Government?  No

Williams recommends working with an experienced, ethical trainer.  If you turn away from something in real life, you’ll want to turn away in an RV session, as well.  A good monitor moves you to what is unknown. Detox by unzipping from the last perception, make separations consciously, and physically: listen to music, get a massage, go out into nature, etc.

Remote viewing is a discipline.

Glenn Wheaton: RV in the Future 2112

Consciousness is a dimension and science doesn’t know exactly what and where that is.  He believes RV engages bioelectric qualities of the human brain to query the environment.

Wheaten was a marine for 17 years and then became part of army security in Germany.  2500 people worked 24/7 listening to everything coming across the iron curtain.  Wheaton was a Morse code operator, as was Ed Danes. Glenn’s amazing skills were featured in a film at the previous IRVA convention.

“We don’t know everything we need to know about ourselves because we’re not too sure what we are,” he said.  Data moves, it’s all space and all moving.

What happens in RV? His best guess: Intention displaces a portion of your awareness. Information begins to move because of attractors; similar to the way music takes you back to a situation, but does it really?

We’re like mental radios.  Imagine, he said, it’s the day after science discovers how RV works.  They’ll know exactly where yesterday was, and where tomorrow will be.  They’ll know the consistency of ether between viewer and target.

Advancements made in other fields will help scientists explain RV.  He asked us: What if déjà vu were falling forward into now and then falling back to regular thought patterns?

He believes it’s easier to defy space/time when you’re amped up, just like you’d need to be if you were going to parachute from an airplane.  The cool down should be equally specific.

Courtney Brown: An RV-Inspired Revision of Human History and the Nature of Physical Reality

RV can transfer information across space and time but information is physical, as is matter and energy, so that can’t happen.  But if RV can do it, then it can’t be an anomaly.  This means Newtonian classical physics is wrong.  Past, present and future are happening simultaneously and remote viewers are watching it.

There is some mechanism that stops us from seeing past and future in present awareness.  In caveman times it would have been life saving to see the lion in the jungle and know that it was leaping toward you now, rather than in a possible panoply of times.

Physicists have never found anything solid, ever.  Rather, they find empty space and energy indicated in frequencies and waves.  Frequencies co-exist in a state of superposition (interacting).

There are only 2 processes in the universe:  constructive or destructive, Dr. Brown explained.  If I understood him correctly, constructive waves move together and expand each other.  Destructive waves hit the other and cancel it out.  Sine waves are the frequencies added together.

You and I are superposition ensembles.  We’re each a wave function.  Frequencies can’t see each other unless they enter superposition with each other.

The Other World’s theory is currently the rage in physics.  Dr. Brown recommended we read Hidden Reality by Brian Green.  I also found some links to explore Hugh Everett’s 1957 many world’s theory., just to provide one.

You can learn more about Dr. Brown and The Farsight Institute. (

Dr. Christopher (Kit) Green:  Separation Anxiety

According to Dr. Green, former analyst at the CIA’s Office of Scientific and Weapons Intelligence,the first 10 years of remote viewing, the information was 100% verifiable and correct.  Why are the statistics lower now (though still higher, Russell Targ and Paul Smith reminded us, than the evidence to use aspirin to prevent heart attacks?)

“We came to believe anyone could be a remote viewer,” Dr. Green surmised, shaking his head at the notion.   

That first batch of viewers was different, Dr. Green insisted.  He reviewed clinical psychological I.Q. testing on those viewers. They were older, tutored in esoterica, not just traditional religions, had exceptionally high I.Q.s, were successful right-brain oriented brainiacs(example: Ingo Swan was an accomplished artist).

Several had autonomia dysfunction (autoimmune disorders), tended toward hypertension, exhibited flattened affect; they were artistic and more non-military.  (Though we know military viewers, such as Joe McMoneagle and Lyn Buchanan, (to name only two) had extraordinary results.

This group was normal, Dr. Green said, but on the edge of having paranoid constructs, just like people who go into police and intelligence work.  

They exhibited a conspiratorial need to understand the ineffable, symptoms of grandiosity and evidence of pituitary malfunction.

Dr. Green hadn’t spoken on this subject for 22 years.  Why now?  He was asked.  He felt he’d been maligned and wanted to clarify that all experiments have been declassified, many he never classified because they didn’t need it.

He personally observed the experiments he discussed. (Author’s note: It’s worth buying the cd or dvd to hear it in detail.)

Why was the program killed?

The committee never saw the original data. They saw the second wave that had to be judged and was considered 22% reliable. They focused more on how/why the brain could do this; but we didn’t have the tools to prove our theories until the last few years.

They didn’t believe that anyone could be trained to do it and questioned 100% accuracy dropping down to 22%.

The “breathless” or metaphysical prose style struck them as delusional.

Dr. Green believes it is as much about neurology as psychology, and yet relies on language of psychology.  Psychologists are the people who own the language of what you do, he said, and they were angry that you were trying to tell them about their work.

It was a mistake to treat RV as an imaging system rather than a human one; RV work is judged against the wrong standards.  It’s human and not an imaging system.


Cost for research is high, at least 100K per experiment.

We can now do RV experiments in real time and see what parts of the brain are talking to each other. Biomarkers can be looked at in real time, remote EEG can be worn on the arm, and inflammatory reactions can be seen in the brain as people are having issues.

It’s now clear the brain doesn’t work in a linear way.

The NIH has shown via 6,000 subjects that the brain works through synergistic quantum entanglement.

Angela Thompson-Smith: Practical Applications of RV – The Denver DJ Murder Case

In 2006 Robert Knight gave Angela Thompson-Smith a blind coordinate to read.  She saw brackish water and reticulated seaweed.  A subsequent session revealed more water and land mass data.

Knight was searching to find out what happened to his missing friend, DJ Steven Williams.  Thompson-Smith also profiled Harvey Morrow, a companion and business associate of the missing DJ.  Morrow was shown to have little concern for others, a love of money, and anti-social tendencies.

Thompson-Smith expanded her circle of viewers to include those she’d trained and cross-trained.  They entered this project on a voluntary basis and were given the option of front loading.  All viewers worked solo.

Their data offered powerful confirmation and assistance to law enforcement, who did find the Steven Williams, deceased in brackish water.  Police learned Williams had entrusted Morrow with sequestering his fortune in an off shore tax shelter.  Morrow then convinced Williams to join his sailing trip as ship’s cook.  Morrow was later convicted of murder and is now serving life without parole.

Knight also took the stage to illuminate the story.  The following is taken from The Las Vegas Sun newspaper:

Knight … turned to Angela Thompson Smith in 2006 for help in finding Williams.

Knight said his friend’s body would not have been identified were it not for the help of Angela Smith and her team of remote viewers.

There’s some truth to that, says the lead detective in the investigation of Williams’ death.

Knight’s information went beyond the body identification. He told police about a man named Harvey Morrow, a supposed investment adviser, who had befriended Williams and was investing Williams’ money — a few million dollars — on his behalf.

Knight told detectives that remote viewers believed Morrow had fled to the British Virgin Islands. One of the viewers even sketched a boat with Morrow on board.

Both observations turned out to be accurate.

Lyn Buchanan: Remote Influencing – Is it Real?

Lyn Buchanan (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Lyn Buchanan (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Lyn Buchanan (retired military and highly respected viewer) tackled the question of remote influencing.  Russians called it hypnosis because you’re persuading someone at the unconscious level. 

There’s an endless potential for remote healing, Buchanan said, but it requires dozens, or even hundreds of sessions to reinforce each tiny effect.  Healing also requires diagnostic sessions.

“You have to know how to speak subconscious-ese,” he told us.  “The subconscious doesn’t do nouns.  It thinks in pictures, concepts, gestalts, emotions and feelings.  It thinks in general terms, not specific.  You have to give it what it wants.  You can’t bribe a dog with a dollar.”

For example, if you were trying to influence someone to scratch, you would concentrate on making the ear itch rather than convincing the target to scratch.   

However, Buchanan warned us, these are not parlor games.  You don’t want to mess with anyone’s core beliefs, life purposes, or goals, even in the name of helping them.

Buchanan believes that (like quantum physics) you can’t view a target without in some small way affecting it and being affected by it.  “You can’t purge the memory of a horrible target even if you’ve taken steps to clear it from your mind.”

Generally, the more dramatic the target, the easier it is to perceive, but no responsible teacher should give you Hiroshima or Dachau (for instance) as a way of training.

Remote influencing can be seen but it can’t be proven, Buchanan told us Studies, which were measurable and repeatable, indicated remote influencing lowered blood pressure.  But tests ended because RI didn’t keep subjects at a low enough blood pressure level to be called a permanent cure.

Buchanan suggested we read about 12 experiments in Wm Braud’s

Distant Mental Influence: Its Contributions to Science, Healing, and Human Interactions (Studies in Consciousness)

Read more about Lyn Buchanan and Remote Viewing:

The Seventh Sense

Pam Coronado: Workshop: Opening Up to Your Senses

Psychic Detective, Pam Coronado, reminded us to use all our senses and not just our eyes.  She can smell decomposition if given the belongings of someone deceased. In one crime scene she heard the gun go off, though she couldn’t see it.  That clue helped police pinpoint the weapon.

Pam Coronado (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Pam Coronado (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Our only limits, she believes, are our own creativity and willingness to try. Anyone who’s ever daydreamed can visualize.  “Shift your focus to receive something you don’t already know,”she said, before pulling out a series of paper bags and asking us to describe the hidden contents.

“Ask for song lyrics,” she encouraged.  “Notice strange expressions, titles.  Your inner self is communicating in pictures, scents, sounds, and impressions. 

These skills can help pinpoint locations.  You might hear a train barreling through the background, or be piqued by the scent of brownies and bread from a nearby bakery.  The detective may be searching the general area; these tips can help focus in on the street.

Tom McNear:  Life in the Center Lane

Retired Lt. Colonel Tom McNear trained in all stages of remote viewing with Ingo Swan.  McNear’s major strength is the ability not to jump to conclusions.  Ingo provided everyone in McNear’s training with dictionaries so that they would be accurate and in agreement when defining terms.  Ingo even required his recruits to write essays about their understanding before he granted them access to participate in remote viewing.

McNear mentioned CRV having 7 stages, the 7th starts spontaneously.  He also recommended we read The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership.

Lance Beem and Debra Lynne Katz: 2011 Warcollier Prize – Research Project Findings

Lance Beem and Debra Lynne Katz (photo by Linda N. Barling)

Lance Beem and Debra Lynne Katz (photo by Linda N. Barling)

*(Special thank you to Debra Lynne Katz who contributed to the writing of this section.)


Lance William Beem and Debra Lynne Katz, winners of the very first IRVA Warcollier research award, presented the preliminary findings of what has turned out to be an enormously challenging and innovative study. It involved 42 remote viewers, tasked with describing viruses on a microscopic level.

These viewers were given two target numbers. The first contained no frontloading and had the secret tasking of describing a Bacteriophage, which is a virus that attacks bacteria.  The second contained the frontloading, “Microscopic,” with the intention viewers would not only describe the bacteriophoage, but provide information that would be helpful to scientists who have been unable to answer certain questions regarding what causes some of them to replicate, and not others.

Their presentation opened with a dramatic animated video of these creatures that resemble robotic type insects.  Debra next presented survey data about what she calls “the next generation of remote viewers,” some of whom were brand new to remote viewing.  Others have done thousands of sessions and have more training from more teachers than any of the former military viewers out there.  She remarked on how most viewers tend to be well over the age of 40.

Lance, who has decades of experience as a professional research biologist, presented a comparison of the viewers’ sessions and sketches, some of which had remarkable resemblance to the bacteriophage in terms of appearance and functionality.

Sessions rated by a couple of the top experts in the fields of virology were labeled extremely promising. But Lance and Debra still have a lot more work to do with recruiting other scientists to review the sessions.

They’re tasked with finding scientists who are willing participate in study where they must rate and consider information derived from remote viewing, a discipline they may have never heard of, may not believe in, or may not consider legitimate science.  Essentially, this was as much an operational project as a research one.

Ultimately, what makes their project unique, and even more challenging to complete then most other RV projects, is that this isn’t just about proving the existence and possibility of remote viewing; but rather it’s about obtaining information that can advance an entire field of study and ultimately save human lives.

As Lance pointed out, bacteriophages can be used to replace antibiotics.  The USSR has been using these since WWII to treat gangrene.  U.S. drug companies have largely blocked their use in an effort to protect their own enormous financial interests.

Those with the greatest amount of training, (particularly those trained in CRV), and with the most sessions and years of experience under their belt, seemed to turn in the most helpful, accurate and easiest to work with sessions overall.  Lance and Debra plan to release their findings in an in-depth report in 2013.

Why try RV? 

You may not fit Dr. Green’s analysis for the best viewer, or even be so enamored that you practice enough to seriously increase your target accuracy rate, but participating in the process promotes greater coherence between your conscious and unconscious mind.  

“What did you learn about yourself?” Master of Ceremonies, Billy Ray repeatedly asked as we processed the Outbounder Experiment (conducted yearly at IRVA).  If you learned nothing about yourself and yet still described the target, you will have missed some of RV’s true power; as Russell Targ pointed out, it’s the experience of your own timeless consciousness, the clear connection with your soul.

Go to  You can buy any of the talks for a small fee or join the organization and get access to past conference videos and more.

(All photos are by Linda N. Barling)