Listen to My Imperfect Reading – Part I
Listen to Part II here
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Our collective hearts are broken. That started with the death of actor/comedian Robin Williams.
What if someone like Robin Williams (a fictional version that we imagine him to be) had come to an expert psychic for a reading a year ago, a month ago, a few days before he took his own life? Could a reading have changed his destiny?
While it may seem insensitive, we can ask this question about any number of people, ourselves included. Can awareness, which is what a reading brings, save lives? Obviously, my answer is yes.
I’ve seen lives saved in all sorts of ways, from sending someone to a doctor who was able to perform immediate surgery, to shifting the way a client saw what seemed like a hopeless situation.
People even learn to handle their anger differently, become more understanding, loving, accepting. And we see people learn to say no to what isn’t really acceptable to them. That’s just a little of what a psychic witnesses.
In the news, the death of Robin Williams was quickly followed by the shooting of an unarmed teenager. Perhaps there were decades when this could have been hidden, but we’re living at a time when secrets are revealed. It’s simply a matter of time.
It feels as if loss is more in our consciousness than ever. During this challenging time, many will choose to leave their bodies and do their work from the other side.
When distraught parents asked Edgar Cayce, (one of the most documented psychics in history) about the death of their baby from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), Cayce said the infant’s soul had come into this world with the intention of leaving early. Hard as it is to believe, in at least one case Cayce said it was part of the parents’ karma to learn needed lessons from their child’s death.
In speaking of early deaths, “Cayce held that these incarnations were necessary for the soul to experience its wholeness. Once this was accomplished, there was no other purpose for the soul to continue to exist. On a metaphysical level, the brief sojourn was meaningful despite the tragedy associated with the physical deaths.”
Later we learn, “Cayce, who was aware of the difficulty in accepting these concepts, tried to reassure those concerned in reading 1648-2: ‘HIS ways are not past finding out. Though to the material mind they may oft be misunderstood, the spiritual mind bears witness as one to another. Edgar Cayce On SIDS
Can you take comfort in this idea that once the soul accomplished its mission, it was ready to leave? We may not be ready, but what if that soul were?

What could a psychic reader have done for our fictional version of Robin Williams? Several ideas come to mind:
- Pointed out solutions, and even helped create them
- Spoken directly to the soul, that is, read the soul behind the personality
- Channeled directions about how to live, about what different choices could bring, and simply how to make it through just for today.
What Does the Soul Want?
This would be question to pose to the universe, guides, God, whatever you consider Source. And it presumes that under all our questions about gains and loss is a soul trying to experience its destiny.
In my experience, not all clients want to address that issue. “I asked who was going to fund my business and when; I don’t need psychology or any personal direction!” said an irate client. Her arrogance was like a presence between us. Frankly, no one else was going to fund her business, though had she been willing I could have done more energetic things to help shift that.

Psychic Meets Psychology
It’s all energy. The psychic plane is filled with subtle awareness. Everything counts, every infinitesimal bit of light and matter. It’s malleable, constantly flowing and changing. We can influence the future (possibly even the past). We can step into those waves and move with them, influence them. However, I believe if something is not meant to be, that impact won’t last.
But if you pay attention in the process, surrender to higher order, remain humble and willing (simple, not always easy), you’ll see the light through the path.
In the case of the aforementioned client, her self-righteousness blinded her to a wealth of information. And who of us can’t relate to self-righteousness, thinking we know more about a subject than we actually do because we’re blind to what we don’t know we don’t know? Plus, don’t you who want to hear you’re getting what you want when you want it?
No One Knows Everything
Not Stephen Hawking, not Edgar Cayce and not even TV’s Long Island Medium. We’re works in progress and everyone’s got something to which they’re blind. Learning generally happens in stages.

From Architecture and Engineering “The only thing faster than Williams’ mouth was his mind,” said New York Times film critic, A.O. Scott.
Somehow, we accept Parkinsons as a better reason for suicide than depression. Maybe because we can see that disease and what it does to the body and mind.
One of Williams’ favorite stories was the time when a woman rebuked comedian Jonathan Winters for parking in a handicapped zone. Winters said: “Madame, can you see inside my mind?!”
The Unconscious Longs to Be Known
I’m not sure where the psychic’s job begins and ends. We’re subject to the laws of the higher power, where all information resides, and we open to the highest and best for our clients. Sometimes we get the information in ways that impresses us, and sometimes we just get what we get and whether we’re impressed or not, that’s what’s channeled. Other times, we may have no idea what jewels have come forth because the words don’t yet have the meaning they will have.
And Death Shall Have No Dominion (Said poet, Dylan Thomas)
We’re confronting death and loss, some we’re more ready to accept than others. Had we seen Williams go through the stages of Parkinsons, we might have been eased into it. But when we see the healthy, sunny, seemingly happy public person we’d welcomed into our hearts, no we’re not ready to let go, and not by anything violent, and not by his own hand. We wish we could have let him know he was loved, that there was a river of light under him and he didn’t have to go, not now, not yet.
He may see that from his new celestial space on the other side, and that may be from where he’s meant to see it. Those left behind, friends, family, the adoring public…we just have to grieve our loss, and yet still appreciate joy. Add a description From Love Meow
Could a reading have changed his choice?
Yes, it’s possible, but not necessarily. We can give people the world, but they don’t have to take it. If he could have seen clearly, could’ve seen past the depression, if…if…if.
How Do We Live with This?
In “Dirge Without Music,” poet Edna St. Vincent Millay said, “I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground. So it is and so it will be, for so it has been time out of mind.”
I find solace in poetry and literature, in spirituality. In acceptance.
There’s a famous quote from the Big Book of AA: “And acceptance is the answer to all our problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation–some fact of my life–unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.”
Fortunately, 12-Step Programs, and spirituality in general, offer us powerful ways to work with this notion. One of which is “just for today,” or even this moment, this eyelash of time.
What lessons can you and I draw from this? Too many to squeeze into what was supposed to be a short online article. On the simplest level, perhaps, just for today, we could be a little kinder, a little more compassionate; a little more aware, and maybe even laugh, just a little more.
If there’s someone to whom you’ve intended to say, “You mean the world to me,” maybe today’s the day you can send that message.
Robin Williams – Drugs, Zen & Sadness
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About Me:
(And so much for humility) 🙂
“I don’t know how I would have survived this painful time without you.” V.A.
“Lorrie told me I was pregnant the same day, I later learned, I conceived my daughter.” Christine Kloser
“I am teary as I write this. I am so touched by your accuracy, as well as your kindness and generosity.I want to let more of that loving energy into my life.” Joyce
“You told me what he was thinking during that break when he didn’t even call. When he finally talked to me, it’s like you were quoting him verbatim. Miraculous! I was so glad I was prepared and not caught off guard.” E.R., New York
“You won’t believe this but right after you sent energy into the universe for me to get work, I received my first call to interview.
I just have to thank you…. you are quite amazing Lorrie.” Darlene F., Sales Executive, Los Angeles
“Your guidance and help have transformed my life at the deepest level.”
Dr. Silvia Cardona, DDS
“As usual, your reading was spot-on.” Elizabeth, R.N.
Chosen as one of the top
Psychics in a worldwide audition
for the Edgar Cayce Institute
Lorrie Kazan
A Psychic Reading Can
Help You Break through Limits
And Live a Life You Adore