Want to get the most out of your life? Then learn how to work with your brain.
Remember Vision Boards? One of the staples of the new age. It was your visual affirmation and direction to the Universe to create the life you dreamed. A roadmap for your desired future.
You took a large piece of cardboard and decorated it with everything you wanted to manifest.
I remember doing this decades ago. Our group cut out magazine photos and then took pictures of ourselves, cut the heads off both pictures and put our faces onto the cut-out bodies who seemed to be living our dreams.
Voila, Universe. I want this! What’s wrong with that?
According to Dr. Mark Waldman, co-author of ( Neurowisdom: The New Brain Science of Money, Happiness, and Success)
Vision Boards don’t work! All those treasure maps you made showing your life the way you want it to be? Useless, he says.
But there is something that does. And it’s easy.
His team calls it the C.R.A.P. Board. A simple tool to upgrade your life.
C.R.A.P. stands for “Conflicts, Resistances, Anxieties, and any other Problem you think you have.”
Here is the Hack:
Take a sheet of paper, write C.R.A.P. across the top. Now quickly write down every worry, fear, or fault you have.
(All the negative voices you might normally want to resist. “Are you lazy, cranky, easily distracted, or judgmental of others? Do you procrastinate, or carelessly complete your tasks? Are you lonely or insecure?”)
When you deeply relax and observe the worries you inscribed on the page, you actually shut off negative emotional circuits in the brain.
Post this where you’ll see it. It reminds you that negative thoughts are not real.
Dr. Waldman Walks You Through Phase 2
“Now relax as deeply as possible as you gaze at the paper in front of you. Don’t judge anything you see; just observe it like an object in the room. As you gaze, yawn, slowly stretch, and if you are comfortable doing so gently stroke your hands and arms (it stimulates areas in the brain relating to self-confidence, so this is particularly effective if you have low self-esteem). You should immediately notice a reduction in intensity. As you look at each item on your list, ask yourself: are these negative thoughts REALLY true? Are they happening right now? Most of the time you’ll see that they are just memories.
Next, repeat this phrase as you look at the items that aren’t really true: “These problems are not real; they are memories from the past projected on the future.” For those that are true, write down 2 things you can do today to lessen that problem and repeat this exercise for 7 days.”
© Lorrie Kazan 2019
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