Are You One of the 36 Secret Saints?


Tradition says there are 36 hidden saints doing God’s work at all times. But we seldom know who they are. And maybe one is you?

Kabbalists call them lamed-vav tzaddikim. They are the hidden saints who do their work with such quiet grace that almost no one is aware.

Their very presence can transform a life. Without them, the world would be torn apart.

It’s said that Rabbi Zusha was a lamed-vavnik. For him our world was only one of many realms. And the higher worlds were often more real than what most people touch and see.

For Zusha, “even the softest rush of wind was a message, the quietest birdcall…or whether one was breathing in or out when something was said.” Every detail in the universe revealed something greater.

He saw connections among all spheres.

Early on he’d learned to observe the inner workings of the universe, and perceive how one slight action could alter fate.

Maybe there are times you think you’re engaged in a random conversation with a stranger, but it’s really a lamed-vav tzaddik saving your life.

Or your mood shifts from dark to light and you don’t know that it’s the result of a lamed-vav tzaddik standing nearby. You feel a sudden desire to give charity; is it the lamed-vav tzaddikim whispering in your ear?

It’s their job to raise divine sparks within us, and to act in such a way that their success goes unrecognized.

Any act of lovingkindness strengthens them. After all, it’s lovingkindness that fuses the world.

Tradition says there is something of the lamed-vavnik in each of us. And if this is true, then we too have the potential to raise holy sparks.

We, too, can communicate with higher realms if we will take the time. We can patiently learn. And then we too will know how even the slightest gesture might regenerate the world.

We too will be like angels, uniting heaven and earth.


Supporting you in creating a life that goes beyond your dreams.

To read more about Rabbi Zusha and Kabbalah: Rabbi David A. Cooper’s wonderful book God Is A Verb, click here.

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