5-Ways Pain Can Sharpen Your Intuition


Can Pain Trigger Intuition or Sharpen What You Have?

You won’t meet many psychics who’ve had easy lives. Even the most documented psychic, Edgar Cayce, had major traumas early on, and difficult hurdles throughout his life.

Some people (especially in occult circles) believe trauma and its overcoming open gates of wisdom within us.

Head injuries are considered the creme de la creme of the brutalities that can jolt minds to another level of perception. They can also destroy you so Stop! before you go smack your head on anything. Stop, and read on.

You can reach enlightenment through engaging the normal complexities and even upsets and joys of everyday life. You don’t have to crash in order to awaken.

Writer James Baldwin said, “You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me the most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, and all the people who had ever been alive.”

In doing psychic readings, we, you, I connect with all that is. In my practice, I hear shattering stories of heartbreak and survival.

Personally, I’ve experienced both. By reading, learning, listening…I’ve seen the commonality. Connecting with higher dimensions/psychic realms, I’m often shown the purpose of pain in someone’s life, or how that pain can be used to create value.

People ask me, “Lorrie, are you more psychic after surviving a car crash (in my early 20s)?” I was psychic going into the car crash. My inner wisdom told me not to get into the car. But I let myself be worn down by the wishes of the driver and got in anyway.

In the accident, at the point when I was sure we were going to die, I felt a God-like force, gentle but firm, blocking me from sailing through the windshield. It saved my life as we continued to crash through the side of a building and finally smacked against a light pole.

Was it worth it for that angelic moment? Aren’t there easier ways to know God? Ones that don’t include broken bones?

1) Attention. Wherever you are, whether you love it, hate it, or are in between, pay attention. That’s what writers and psychics do. They look to see the essence and reflect it back so it’s both known and new.

Yesterday, I was at the gym but wanted it to already be over. So, I applied this technique: I looked around. I noticed who was there, the colors they wore, their shoes, the light in the room. It brought me to a different state of consciousness that allowed me to stay. That pause could have also led me to leave.

Pause and Take a Breath

Sages tell us that our job is to bring heaven to earth. Our minds are chattering all the time, judging ourselves and others, trying to get to the top of the heap. Your mind can be a dangerous place to be.

When I do psychic readings, I shift out of that state of mind and into something that feels global and not about me. My life experiences and knowledge can come through it but it’s in service of the client.

2) Pain is part of life. Suffering is optional. Let me repeat that, Suffering is optional. Though many of us are quite good at it.

Judging yourself for being stuck or in pain is the portal to suffering. How you worked through your difficulties can become an inspiration for others.

In my work, people present problems they’re convinced are insurmountable; but I know they aren’t because I’ve had them too and gotten to the other side. And I’ve seen others do it as well.

You can be bitter or you can be better. No one’s successfully combined the two.

Whining may be part of your process but set limits on self-pity. It’s a detour on life’s ride and a gateway to suffering.

You can gain insight from anything. If you use it.

Overcoming requires patience, and authentically being with what is. You can become aware of the stories you make up about it, and then stay open for greater truth and direction to be revealed.

In the hospital after my accident, they wheeled in another woman. She’d had (a D&C) an operation considered so simple that she was quickly left to sleep it off.

I don’t remember why I knew something had gone wrong but I intuitively knew; I fought to get the medical staff back into the room.

(That staff was particularly hostile most of the time.)

I remember her doctor, an older woman, came over to my bed and genuinely thanked me. She said the intervention saved my roommate’s life.

So, was I meant to be there? Or is it just a good thing?

While I was in decent shape considering the accident, I was in poor shape, including a broken bone in my back, considering me.

You can die from something major or something minor but not unless you’re meant to. I discovered this while living through what should have killed me.

3) Your pain has a story. It’s calling for your attention. (there’s that word again.)

Take medication if needed but don’t ignore the ache that’s calling you back to yourself.

What can you do? Journal, ask the pain what it wants from you? Imagine if it had a shape and color. Don’t make it force you to admit its existence. See it when it’s still small.

These exercises will begin to activate and expand your intuition. And can even lead to telepathy.

Yes, it’s easier to be pulled to social media or other distractions.

Using Pain for a Purpose:

HINT, if you’re having a hard day, you can take a moment and see if you can feel where the pain lives in your mind and body,

Describe its color and shape if you can. Ask what stories it has to tell? Does it want to speak? How does it sound?

Notice the stories you’re telling yourself about it. Make up a new one? One that makes you feel empowered. Is that possible? Let me know.

4) Most people come to spirituality through pain. It’s the added kick in the pants that makes people search for something more.

If money and fame were enough of a fix, you wouldn’t see Justin Bieber crying on his model bride’s shoulder, or the Charlie Roses of the world losing their extraordinary careers because of sexual harassment. And of course, the suicides of others who seemed to have everything.

5) You Have Blind Spots:

Things everyone knows about you and you don’t. Emerson capsulized it in this sentence, “What you are stands over you and shouts so loudly that I cannot hear what you are saying to the contrary.”

You don’t know who the angels in your life will be and sometimes they come dressed as beggars. I guarantee you the hostile hospital staff I mentioned saw me as a beggar. But I became that woman’s gift.

When you don’t recognize what’s within you, it comes to meet you as fate.

When I got into the car that fateful night, I thought, “Okay, one last time.” Not realizing what “one last time” truly meant.

I didn’t see a range of choices that would have taken my life in a different direction, not put me there in the first place. For weeks I’d had the feeling that something bad was fated to happen. I just didn’t know that when you have that feeling, it may be possible to avoid a calamity.

If life is about lessons, there are easier ways. Such as doing these simple exercises.

One of the key things I can do as a psychic is show someone their choices; routes you may not think are possible for you. I’ve wished I’d had someone like me who could have said Stop! Someone to whom I wish I’d have listened.

But that’s not how it went. So I do it for others. Just from sharing this newsletter, I can do it in a small way for you.

Your Reward: Share this newsletter with 3 or more friends and I will pull a tarot card that tells you about your blind spot.

©Lorrie Kazan


“Lorrie told me I was pregnant the same day, I later learned, I conceived my daughter.”
Christine Kloser

“Your readings have changed my life. My new office is in the space you predicted, though no buildings existed there at the time. I’m living happily, fully, and feel deeply loved.”
Dr. Silvia Cardona

“I got just what I needed from the reading. When I saw him last night, I repeated something you said. He kept asking me how I knew and if he’d told me it himself…of course he didn’t and that’s your and my little secret.” J.S.