Here Is Your Prosperity Meditation:

Click to hear 1-minute relaxation and meditation
Today I look up when I’m down. I remember the world is grand.
I see the stars that light the night and I know they’re part of who I am.
Stardust and clay, earth composed in a human way, I am ordinary stardust, wrapped in a human frame,
Love, light, and happiness with a human name. Today I connect with all that is, with the light in every soul
And as I do my inner self becomes more radiant and whole.
© Supporting you in creating an abundant life that truly honors your soul
Quotes of the Week:

“When we long for a life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds, and diamonds are made under pressure.” ~Peter Marshall
“My practice is just to keep coming back to myself. To not fixate on who I want to be so much that I miss out on who I already am.” ~Cat Li Stevenson, Tiny Buddha’s Guide to Loving Yourself Interview
Wheelchair Chronicles:
The professional side of my world is filled with readings, writing articles, signing books, and now preparing to be interviewed again for JJ Flizanes’ radio show.
(Here’s a link for the last show we did: Tapping Into Your Psychic Abilities. It was edited because we went over. Tried to get a lot into a short amount of time.)
But…Note the happy elephant above: I also took a shower this week! No big deal for most of you, but for this shattered leg journey, it’s quite the feat. I may not have looked as thrilled as the elephant, but I was grateful.
I can now put up to 20 lbs weight on my injured leg. I wasn’t sure how much that was so I put my foot on the scale and pressed to 20. It’s quite a distance from where I was September 22nd when I fell.
Especially during this holiday time, hard for so many, let’s not forget the gift of healing. You can do it with your time, your love, patience.
And of course, and not to be crass: Phone or In-Person Reading Gift Certificates (available in 15, 30, 45 and 1 hour increments.) There’s also that great stocking stuffer, all around uplifter: Happiness Calls Your Name: Channeled One-Minute Meditations to Rewire Your Brain
Sacred Gifts: Discovering Your Soul’s Talent
Your Reward:
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