You’re someone who cares about others, and works hard to do the right thing. You want relationships that are loving and kind, and you want to be understood. Now you find yourself at a crossroads in your life.
How can that be?
Let’s start with Mistake #3 most heart-oriented people make: Worrying about things you can’t control.
Why worry? Family trait, you watch the news, you want to take action at the right time in the right way and not miss opportunities…
Stress and worry cloud our minds and make us less poised to act on our best behalf. Worry is like being tied to a rocking chair instead of being in control of a race car.
#2nd Major Mistake: You’re a caretaker. You take care of others’ needs before your own. Maybe you think if they’re happy, they’ll not only understand how much you care about them, but they’ll treat you better.
But it doesn’t work. They never stay happy and there’s always a next time. You can never do enough. Friends ask: Who’s taking care of you?
And without you, everyone’s world falls apart.
And the #1 Big Mistake Heart-Oriented People Make: Doing some version of what once worked even though it’s no longer bringing positive, life-altering results.
Current solutions might work just enough to get by. And then you think how well it worked in the past. But it has a sense of “been there, done that.”
What was once revolutionary, has grown stale. It’s like a cart with a broken wheel. It works just enough to use but what if you could have something streamlined for who you are today?
Would you make the same choices today as you did when you were in your teens, or even in your twenties. How about last year?
There are some consciousness-raising choices I wouldn’t change; they gave me new tools that catapulted me into a different way of seeing the world. I still use those tools, but I needed more.
A higher vibration, deeper knowledge, a profound connection with my soul. Because if I don’t have a connection with my soul, I sure won’t have it with yours.
Whenever I find ways that work, I share them. Lately, there’s something that’s been calling to me. I studied it for many years, used to practice it more, and then tried to turn it over to other people to do because I prefer to do psychic readings.
But some little voice inside me keeps pushing me to offer this now.
So if you’re feeling stuck, stressed out, and at a crossroads, you’re in substantial pain. Yes, you could do a psychic reading, but what if you’re not ready for that?
Baby steps. Maybe you don’t want some psychic poking around in your business. Maybe that’s why my Past Life Regression guided meditation keeps putting itself in my mind’s eye.
Are you the heart-centered person who is ready to know more, strip away another layer, make a deeper connection? Are you looking for some gem that will open up the moment and allow you to see with new eyes. If so, this is for you.
© Supporting you in creating an abundant life that truly honors your soul
PAST Life Regression (by Phone)
Where: From a cozy, quiet spot in your home
How: Via phone
Why: We keep making the same mistakes, the same faulty decisions over and over. When we look at past lives, we start to see patterns. We also look at what was learned in a particular life, what came in to be realized, and where we went right and wrong.
You may want to find out about problem people in your life? Why does a particular person or personality-type always challenge you? Is there an issue that keeps?
Go to the root: We’ll trace it back to the core. Your soul longs to speak to you. The unknown longs to be seen.
You’re busy, you’re flooded with information. And sometimes, it’s just too much. What you’re really seeking is wisdom.
Or maybe you’re a true seeker, or a curious George. You wonder, who was I? Have I met this particular person before?
The Positive Side of Pain?
Keep doing what you’ve always done, and you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten. Change is hard. That’s why I’m making it easy. The positive side of pain? When it hurts enough, we become willing to change.
But if you’re steadily doing your inner work, you don’t have to have massive breakdowns in order to have breakthroughs.

Past Life Regression is easy?
Yes, because you set an intention. You might want to know the source of a relationship, or an illness, recurring headaches, for example, or a seemingly irrational fear. Even a dream that keeps playing but doesn’t fit for today.
Maybe you just want to go back to the life that’s most pertinent to your current one.
I talk you though a relaxation. You simply give yourself the space. I guide you through. You are always in control.
What if it doesn’t work for you?
It’ll never work for you if you don’t first open the door. Once the door is cracked, the light comes through. Don’t you want to know what’s beyond the walls of your mind? The confines of the live you’ve been given?
So far, everyone in my classes has been able to deeply relax. My motto: Never skip a chance to have a safe and powerful trance.
During the class, you might see a past life, even if you haven’t seen one before, or you may see fragments, have an inner knowing. You will have met with your soul. And your soul longs for you to connect.
It’s only 2 hours and $35 (if paid by October 17) $45 thereafter.
And you get to work with me, hear any insights that might come through for you, and let the universe know you’re open for crossroads to become bridges. For you to realize your good.
Where: Your Home via Phone
When: Saturday, November 1
What time: 11 am (Pacific) or 2 p.m. Eastern
What You Can Expect: it’s deeply relaxing and actually fun.
Cost: $35, if paid by 11/1/17
$45 thereafter
Your Reward:
Share this newsletter on social networks (click links at the top) or forward to three people who might enjoy it, and in return I will calculate your life destiny number and give you some information about it. Email me the month, day and year of your birth. If I’ve already calculated your life destiny number, you can still participate by having me calculate your number for the current year.
About Me:
Testimonials:(And so much for humility) 🙂
“Your voice is so soothing, I just went under.”
Susie Bottomley
“I got so much information. I can’t wait to do it again.”
Dr. Silvia Cardona
“Wow, what a fantastic reading!!! With your help I now have a greater sense of peace and tranquility. I was so moved by your ability to connect me with my [deceased] brother and my mother! What a gift you have shared with me…thank you a thousand times!Warmest regards, Susan Johnson
“I fully expected to find the missing $20,000 in property my husband left behind. During our reading, my [deceased] father came in and insisted I would find $50,000. Testimonial: He was right…you were right…I’ve found almost $50,000. This is money I really need for my kids.”
“Lorrie is amazing. I went through a very difficult and traumatic heartbreak…Rather than having a list of precise questions, I was looking for a healing experience that I could not quite define…she provided so much insight and guidance to getting through what seemed like endless heartbreak. In addition, she facilitated a soul visualization and that was a great piece of my healing process. I highly recommend this in particular if you need to work something out with someone you have lost. The clarity and peace it gave me was priceless. I really cannot put into words or explain how truly helpful she has been to me and how much she helped heal my heart. She is a true gem.”
“Lorrie, Thank you for your support when I needed it most back in 2011…I was dealing with work and fertility issues. I had just been notified that I was getting laid off. You told me that I was going to find something quickly and not to worry about unemployment. Surely, I was offered a position in Nov with my current employer and my employment didn’t lapse.
“Also, I was looking at doing IVF in Dec 2011 after unsuccessful tries of 4 years to have a baby. You told me that you didn’t see a baby as a result of that IVF but by the end of 2013 I should be a mom. Back then, that sounded like a long wait time…So you were right… now I just became mom to my precious twin boys. Again, your prediction was right on…Thank you again for your words of hope and inspiration.”
“Lorrie told me I was pregnant the same day, I later learned, I conceived my daughter.”
Christine Kloser,
“Your guidance and help have transformed my life at the deepest level.”
Dr. Silvia Cardona, DDS
Chosen as one of the top
Psychics in a worldwide audition
for the prestigious Edgar Cayce Institute
Lorrie Kazan
Author of the forthcoming book,
One-Minute Meditator: Because Instant
Gratification Just Isn’t Fast Enough
A Psychic Reading Can
Help You Break through Limits
And Expand a Life You Adore